Most Common Orthopedic Surgeries

An operation performed on the musculoskeletal system is known as orthopedic surgery.  The musculoskeletal system is a human comprises of ligaments, muscles, joints, and tendons. Here are some of the most widely performed orthopedic surgeries in India:

1.Knee joint replacement

The surgery is performed to mitigate pain, restrain mobility and improve feebleness. Intensifying arthritis, trauma, and other joint-related diseases could severely damage the knees; hence necessitating a knee joint replacement surgery. The surgery is common yet delicate and needs to be performed only at the hands of expert physicians. A few joint replacement hospitals in Delhi have the skill and expertise to perform this delicate surgery with assured results.

2.Shoulder replacement

During the shoulder replacement surgery, the surgeon replaces the humerus or the upper arm bone with a metal ball or plastic prosthesis. The surgery offers great relief from shoulder pain and increases the range of shoulder movements. Refer to good joint replacement hospitals in Delhi for expert advice.

3.Ankle repair

In cases where the joint remains precarious after the fracture with the disappropriate alignment of bones, an ankle repair surgery is performed. During the surgery, bones are repositioned and held together with the help of implants. Post the surgery, the patient needs to wear a specific boot for a couple of months. 

4.Spinal surgery

When back pain begins influencing the day-to-day life of an individual, then spinal surgery is the only alternative. During the procedure, the surgeons join vertebrae (spinal bones) together. Post-surgery, most patients experience significant changes in the body, like better physical fitness, increased activity and increased productivity.

5.Anterior Cruciate Ligament reconstruction

ACL plays a significant role in the human body; it acts as a stabilizing ligament in the knee. During the surgery, the ruptured ligament is reconstructed by the orthopedic surgeons.  Surgeons use the tissue of the patient’s body to make a new ACL. Screws and other binding devices are used to connect the new ligament.
