Facts About Arthritis Treatment


Arthritis is a disorder in which one or more joints get inflamed. It is a painful condition to live with, and more research is being conducted to find out how it can be completely cured. Arthritis treatment works on improving joint function and reducing symptoms such as pain. Read on to get information about a few facts about treatment for this condition. 


Facts about Arthritis Medications

Medications such as painkillers, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), counterirritants Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs (DMARDs), corticosteroids and biologic response modifiers are used to treat and gain relief from arthritis. 


  • Painkillers like Tylenol do not affect the inflammation caused due to arthritis. However, they can reduce pain. In some cases, opioids are prescribed when the individual suffers from too much pain. One must use these only when prescribed by a physician as it can lead to addiction. 
  • NSAIDs like Advil, unlike painkillers, can decrease pain and inflammation. However, they too should be taken carefully, as oral NSAIDs could cause strokes and heart attacks.
  • DMARDs help slow your immune system from attacking the joints in your body. An example of a popular DMARD is hydroxychloroquine, which is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. 
  • Biologic response modifiers work on proteins involved while giving an immune response. They are genetically engineered. 
  • Corticosteroids, taken orally or injected directly into one's body, help reduce pain and inflammation. 

Facts about Surgical Treatment for Arthritis

If none of the above medications seems to work well, a doctor may recommend surgery based on your overall health condition. The joint surfaces may be smoothened or even realigned through a joint repair surgery, which will give great relief to one's pain. However, they can only be done in some cases by making an incision on the area arthroscopically. A joint replacement is usually done for hips and knees, and it involves removing the damaged joint and replacing it with a more viable one. 


Joint fusion is done where smaller joints exist, such as writs and fingers. The two ends of a bone from a joint are removed and then locked together until they form one rigid area. 


You may also gain relief by practising physical therapy. However, this is not for all types of arthritis. It can improve motion and strengthen weak muscles that are around the joints.
